Inquiry Journeys provides teachers with pre-assessments, formative assessments, checkpoint assessments, and summative assessments.
- Inquiry Journeys contains pre-assessment tasks that provide teachers the opportunity to gauge the prior knowledge and skills of students. These pre-assessments occur in the Launch Module of every Inquiry Journeys unit.
Formative Assessments
- Inquiry Journeys provides flexible formative assessment tools in every lesson. These tools assess understanding and skills across a diverse set of tasks. Teachers are also provided with a module observation checklist to support the assessment of observational look-fors. Assessment tools connect to specific look-fors that align to lesson objectives and build toward module objectives.
Checkpoint Assessments
- Checkpoint assessments are aligned to module objectives and designed to measure understanding of concepts and development of skills after a period of sustained investigation. In Inquiry Journeys, checkpoint assessments occur in every Investigation and Action Module. These assessments prompt students to draw conclusions and demonstrate understanding in diverse ways, often through formal performance tasks such as written claims or creative responses.
Summative Assessments
- The Inquiry Product Rubric shapes the summative assessment for an Inquiry Journeys unit. At the beginning of the Action Module, teachers are provided with guidance for establishing criteria that meet their goals and align with school, district, or state expectations. Students also contribute to the development of the rubric through a protocol embedded in the Action Module lessons.